The 5 Best Reasons to Join the Caucasian Challenge

The Caucasian Challenge is a unique, 4000 km long adventure trip across Turkey, Armenia and Georgia. The only things you need to do is to convince your friends to join you and to drive your car to the starting line in Istanbul – we take care of the route and accommodation (if you want us […]

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Is it Safe to Travel in the Caucasus?

It is very safe to travel in the Caucasus. On the edge of Europe and Asia, more famous as a destination for war reporters than tourists, people may worry whether travelling in the Caucasus is safe. We at the Travel Scientists travel to the region each year on the Caucasian Challenge, and we reckon it’s actually […]

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Geghard Monastery, Armenia

Adjacent to the gorgeous Garni gorge is Geghard Monastery, – named after the spear that stabbed Jesus – , an equally spellbinding sight that was carved out of cliffs in the 4th century A.D. The Geghard monastery complex is cut into the rock, which illustrates the very peak of Armenian medieval architecture. The complex is […]

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From Before Christ to Post-Dubsteppe: Armenian Music – Part One

With three out of the four artists in out last art-themed piece being musicians, if you too are starting to have an inkling that this may not be random at all, and there is much, much more musical talent to have sprung from Armenia, you’d be dead on. Music has been in the very lifeblood of […]

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For Your Next Netflix and Chill: Nine Lives – Cats in Istanbul

If you have ever visited Istanbul, then you know them: the hundreds and thousands of cats roaming every last of Istanbul’s streets day and night, summer as winter, ever since the foundation of the city more than 2000 years ago. They come in countless sizes, shapes and characters and have deeply influenced Istanbul and its […]

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New Year’s Eve in the Caucasus

People celebrate New Year’s Eve all over the world. How they do it, and what exactly they celebrate – now that’s where it gets interesting. How do, say, people in the countries on the route of the Caucasian Challenge throw the old calendar away? This is what you would be doing if you were there […]

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Christmas in Armenia – Different and Yet Familiar

If you are a Westerner, who would like to have a taste of Caucasian Christmas traditions, we have great news for you: You don’t need to miss Christmas at home! Christianity is deeply rooted in old cultures in the Caucasus, but these don’t coincide with the red-and-white Coca-Cola Santa in the West. With some good […]

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Főpróba a Kaukázus Ralira / Rehearsal for the Caucasian Challenge

A Kaukázus Rali az egyik támogatója a július 5-6-án (szombat-vasárnap) megrendezésre kerülő első háromtusa versenynek. Kiváló alkalom, hogy a kaukázusi futamra készülő kalandorok kipróbálják magukat egy izgalmas autós tájékozódási versenyben, valamint a nyár végi futamhoz igen hasznos egyéb mutatványokban, mint quad ügyességi verseny és paintball. A megmérettetés szombaton reggel indul. A résztvevők két kategóriában GPS […]

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CC blog goes bi-lingual

This will obviously be a pain in the… back, but I decided to run the blog in both English and Hungarian. Me alone for now, but will involve other bloggers soon! The fact is, that the ratio of the foreign and the Hungarian teams are almost exactly 50%-50%. And I received requests that peopnle (not […]

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Hey, join the Caucasian Challenge community on Facebook (as well)! Push the left button on your mouse after you positioned the cursor HERE. See you there.

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