Caucasian Challenge

Hetedik nap – pihenés, sörözés, hőség / Day 7: relax, beer, heat

A mai nap ún. fél pihenőnap. A csapatokat mindössze 270 km jó minőségű aszfaltút választotta el a közvetlenül a tengerparton fekvő hoteltől, igy aki nem sokat vacakolt reggel, az már kora délután fürdőzhetett.

A tengerpartra vezető út egy része csodálatos hegyvidéken, kanyonok mellett vezetett, ma a versenyzők is nyugodtan gyönyörködhettek a tájban, a mai nap ugyanis nem kaptak feladatokat.

A homokos part, a kristálytiszta tenger valódi kikapcsolódást nyújtott a résztvevőknek. Szükségük is volt rá, hiszen a következő szakaszok a forró és kietlen anatóliai-fennsikon keresztül embert és gépet egyaránt próbára tesznek majd…


Day 7: relax, beer, heat

Day seven also took place in Turkey, and with just 250 kilometers of road on the schedule, the teams were looking forward to a nice, easy drive. The roads are good quality, and the destination is Kizkalesi, a wonderful beach resort on the Mediterranean Sea. Teams who had the foresight to get moving early in the morning would find time to spend the afternoon bathing in the sea!

The day had no additional challenges, so it truly was relaxing for most. The road climbed over lofty mountains and spilled down into majestic canyons. Team Polar Bears managed to blow a tire, but quickly fixed it on the way. This half-day was rewarding for everyone.

Sandy beaches met the teams at Kizkalesi, where the goal was to relax and re-supply. The beer flowed freely, the sun shined hot, and everyone enjoyed the scenery late into the evening. The break was well-deserved after a tough week of driving, and the teams were glad for a small break, as they prepared themselves mentally for the upcoming trek through the deserted Anatolian highlands.

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