Caucasian Challenge

Rovid osszefoglalo / A brief update

Az elmult napokban nem volt alkalmam internet-kozelben lenni, orultem, ha melegvizet talaltam. Viszont az ut eddigi legszebb szakaszat jartuk be. Nehany foto meseljen rola.

Var a torok tengerparti szallasunkal szemben. Reggel aki sportembernek erzi magat kiuszhat a szigetre. / A castle in front of our hotel on the Turkish riviera. You can swim there in the morning if you feel fit enough.

Torokorszag az utepitesek orszaga. Mindenutt hihetetlen utemben turnak, epitenek, szelesitenek. / Turkey is the country of road constructions. Unbelievable how the make new roads all over the country.

Itthon kave es esetleg husleves folyik a benzinkuton az automatabol, a torokoknel motorolajat is lehet venni. Kivalo opcio, ha nem kell egy egesz flakon. / Usually you can buy coffe and maybe soup from a petrol station vending machine, but in Turkey you can buy motor oil! A great option if you don`t need the whole bottle.

Kurdisztan termekeny videke. Mit mondjak, meleg voplt. / The fertile lands of Kurdistan. It was hot.

Del-Torokorszag egyik legerdekesebb helye a Nemrut-hegy. Itt lesz egy kivalo szallasunk is. Medence, havaj. Masodik kep. Az elson a hegyre vezeto kaptato. / The Nemrut mountain is one of the higlights of the Southern Turkish trip. We`ll have accomodation here. Pool, cool. Second photo. The first one shows the steep way up to the summit.

Mindenki hallott mar az Eufrateszrol, ugye? Na, most at is kompolunk majd rajta. / Everyone heard about the Euphrates river, right? Now we are going to cross it. The name of the village before the ferry is: Feribot. Charming.

Egz nap ket hiressegen is athajtunk, kimeletlenul. Ok Batman es Bitlis. Derick is elerheto lenne de eleg nagy, kb. 160 km-es kitero. O meguszta. / We cross thwo celebrities in one day, Batman and Bitlis.

Torokorszag legnagyobb tava a Van to, itt egy remek kis kempingben alszunk egyet. Szemben ez a sziget egy kozepkori ormeny kolostorral. Nincs ebben semmi fotosop, tenyleg ilyen a naplemente. / The biggest lake in Turkey is Lake Van. We will sleep in a charming little camping here. Opposite there is this island with a medieval Armenian monastery. No photoshop here, this is how the sunset look like.

One response to “Rovid osszefoglalo / A brief update”

  1. Hello! Good luck on your trip. We are stuck in Tbilisi until Thursday awaiting our Azeri visa. Then we move on to Turkmenistan.

    Many people stop and look at our car, i think it looks very funny to Georgians. hehe

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